Whether built of brick or siding, home is always built on memories and comfort.  Seniors find themselves dreading the prospect of moving into multi apartment independent facilities. Why not to make daily life safe and functional without tearing your parent away from the familiar? Before the pandemic 94% of older adult homeowners indicated desire to age in the comfort of their own homes.


TeleRehab Group specializes in making your home a safer place whether you’re a senior, physically challenged or have youngsters who move faster than you can!  We come to your home and perform a safety report highlighting your home’s strengths and weaknesses—all supported by pictures of areas of potential hazard. We provide a complete written report of your living spaces with suggestions on how to turn them into safeguard castle. Many minor adjustments like installing horizontal door knobs, improving lighting, securing rugs and runners significantly improves home safety.  A little more complex might be stair ramps or handrails for both bath and shower areas.



Cropped shot of a senior couple spending quality time together at home


TeleRehab Group program provides the optimal knowledge, maximum comfort and independence to our most vulnerable population.  Our programs are built and designed according to recommended protocols and standards provided by American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).  Our architects and builders design and create modifications allowed by local, state and federal building codes. We work to maximize our client mobility, environment and circumstances.




A Room-by-room Home Safety Checklist

Man fixing a lock on the door while a senior couple is standing next to him.





The Living Room

Body temperature might be more difficult to regulate for an aging individual. It’s important to properly heat large open spaces and cool them down on sweltering summer nights. We provide suggestions on how to keep the heat in and protect overheating in the summer by utilizing heat-control window film, thermal or thermal curtains. We check heating furnaces, air conditioning units and age of the thermostat.






The Bedroom

It’s important that the beds are at the safe level of each older individual to minimize fall risk. Height of the bed should comfortably provide loved ones with hips at around ninety degrees of flexion. Placing a bed against the wall prevents rolling out of it on at least one side. In addition installing simple mattress rail can prevent individual from rolling out of bed plus it serves as assistive device with sit to stand transfer.



Bathroom for people with disabilities in modern setting




The Bathroom

Bathroom sink should be at the proper level for individual using it. Providing open space under the sink allows easy access of wheel chair for daily oral hygiene. In addition strategically installing grab bars provides necessary assistance and reduces risk of falls in the shower.  Installing toilet seat riser and handles aids ensures getting on and off the toilet seat safely.



Residential electrical wiring components




The Kitchen

It’s important that all outlets in the kitchen have GFI safety switch which lowers risk of electrical fire. Proper lighting around areas most commonly used provide additional advantage. Organization of frequently used items, replacing old heavy with modern and light can prevent low back injuries, muscle spasms or risk of burns.





The Basement

Traveling up and down the stairs can be risky and while a sign of independence sometimes a senior might need some help. There should be a well lit area preventing shadow casting while ascending or descending steps in relation to light fixture. Solid railings on both sides should be installed for individual safety. Any old electrical light fixture with hanging on/off cord should be completely eliminated and safe light switch should be installed on the wall.



Being proactive about these adjustments older individuals, the physically challenged and others will be able to remain at home protected long into the future.


Large group of people cheering with arms raised